Takizawa Hideaki (29), of pop duo Tackey & Tsubasa, has been performing in his show called “Takizawa Kabuki 2011” at Nissay Theater in Tokyo, and on May 3rd, he began a special event for the upcoming Children’s Day (May 5th in Japan).
“Marching J“, which is a disaster relief project of Johnny & Associates, will be holding a charity baseball game at Tokyo Dome on May 29th. ( Read more... )
Johnny’s Jr. group A.B.C-Z have been performing parodies from Koichi Domoto and Hideaki Takizawa’s famous shows in their latest stage show, it was revealed on April 29, reports Oricon.
Johnny’s talent Hideaki Takizawa opened up about his feelings for his new stage show and how he wanted to help victims from the 3/11 disaster, the star said at a press conference in Tokyo on April 12, reports Mainichi Shimbun, Daily Sports Online, and The TV news. ( read here. )
Johnny’s & Associates will launch a new relief project involving every one of their talents to support the victims of the Japan earthquake, it was revealed on March 19, reports Sponichi Annex and Sports Hochi. ( read more. )
Here's part 2! Oh, i didn't do any changes with the translations coz i'm in a hurry (in other words, i just did a copy-paste ;P). I'm actually studying for my finals. :3 Sorry for any grammatical errors you'll see and read. ;D
Hideaki Takizawa is about to become a walking and talking history textbook as he plays famours warriors, leaders, and rebels in his upcoming stage show, it was revealed at a press conference in Tokyo on February 3, reports Sports Hochi, and Chunichi Sports. ( read more. )